Skeleton King:
HP: 350
SPEED: 65%
- Adaptive behavior, switches between used items depending on player actions:
> Close range:
>> Sword (If target is exposed)
>> Axe (To break, if target is shielded)
>> Cage of Wrath (If at low health)
>> Rocket Jumper (If player has the high-ground)
>> Parcel Gardener (While rocket jumping, to hit the player from above)
> Medium range:
>> Beta Bow & Circlestrafing (If target is vulnerable)
>> Close range behavior, chance to use a Cage of Wrath to spawn enemies as backup (If holding a projectile parrying item)
>> Dynamite (If at low health)
> Long Range:
>> Predicting crit crossbow shots (If target is far away horizontally)
>> Grappling hook (If target is far away vertically)
>>> I know what you're thinking, but no, you can't escape
>>> Making him miss will only make him grapple to the wall right behind you :)
> Special:
>> Cage of Wrath (Chance to happen if very low on options due to player gameplay)
>> Sickle (Parries projectiles if spammed at)
- Will cancel attacks prematurely if they stop being fit for the situation
- Charms all nearby mobs, immune to infighting
- Monologues before going for one last suicide bombing attempt on defeat


nononoo pause for a sec
what the fuck do you mean they added sans to serverboss
ok i guess we're rolling with it then
HP: 1
SPEED: 40%
- Will dodge attacks and avoid damage, go ahead and try to hit him if you're able
- Maximum of 20 dodges before he can be killed, now you know that mercy's off the table
- Can spawn white bone projectiles in a pattern around him
> Rapidly deal damage to the target while touching them
- And blue bone projectiles aimed at the target
> Similar to white bone projectiles, however they only damage the target if it's moving
- Can also spawn gasterblasters which shoot a wide rapidly damaging beam towards the player that lingers for a second

The Hatman:
SPEED: 39%
- Teleports behind the player when hit, spawns several shadows in its place
- Fast regen, max hp depends on enemies nearby
- Will heavily debuff the player on hit


Skeleton Prince:
HP: 150
SPEED: 64%
- Basically a lighter, non-boss variant of the aforementioned Skeleton King
- No access to spawning enemies or grappling hooks
- Slower mid-range fire rate
- Explodes instantaneously upon death

Soviet Heavy:
HP: 140
SPEED: 25%
- Slow rev-up upon spotting a player
- Will continuously fire a barrage of bullets until target is out of sight
- Oh you're live on twitch?

HP: 100
SPEED: 65%
- Uses an axe in close range combat, otherwise uses rapid-fire beta bow shots at mid-long range
- Stunned by critical hits
- Resistant to explosive damage

Soviet Hussar:
- Two-parter!
> HP: 40
> DEF: 3
> SPEED: 100%
> HP: 40
> SPEED: 100%
- (TOTAL HP: 80 w/ 3 DEF)
- Very fast & decently tanky, but only uses melee
- Removing the horse might have the side-effect of leaving you with an even smaller target that still has the same speed and health
- Aim for the knight in shining armor instead


Knight Zombie (Sword):
HP: 30
DEF: 9
SPEED: 55.2%
- Will attempt to bash the player's fucking skull in with their sword
- Attack can be parried heavily with anything
- Can parry player attacks
- Damage pierces most resistances and defense

Knight Zombie (Axe):
HP: 30
DEF: 9
SPEED: 46%
- Will attempt to charge the player with their axe and shield
- Can be interrupted by damaging them mid charge to shut them down
- Can temporarily break the player's armor

HP: 35
SPEED: 42%
- Some fucking moron with a pot on his head
- Will rocket jump towards the player then attempt to hit a "market garden" with the Parcel Gardener
- Makes a screaming eagle sound at the peak of its arc
- If it misses the garden attempt, it will instead cause a deadly shockwave upon landing, based on the fall distance
- Cannot take fall damage

Soviet Grunt:
HP: 40
SPEED: 50%
- Will talk about how it fucked your mom last night
- Tends to carry either a rifle or a shotgun
> Rifle gunners are easy to avoid by sidestepping
> Shotgunner sightlines should be treated with generous respect
- Ridiculously prone to infighting, will instantly counterattack any threat
- Will call for backup if hurt (which might end up causing a bar-fight more than it does teamwork)
- Ragequits on death

Wither Ninja:
HP: 50
SPEED: 66%
- Has a chance to teleport behind the player when damaged
- If out of range: will attempt to leap towards the player
- Applies wither for 6 seconds on hit


Hive Zombie:
HP: 20
SPEED: 46%
- High chance to summon between 1-3 killer bees when damaged
- Rapid-fire weapons are a critical error here, each shot will spawn a new set of bees
- Use high single burst damage weapons instead to minimize the amount of apian mishaps

HP: 15
SPEED: 60%
- Quickly freeze in place and become invulnerable once spotted
- Will not move or become vulnerable until you have your back turned
- All* projectiles will bounce off of them
- Will summon a homing projectile if their target is unreachable and their back is turned
- Parrying their *projectile back into them will instantly kill them
- Explode into a flurry of gore on death

Soviet Sniper:
HP: 30
SPEED: 30%
- Visible laser guided aim
- Slowly tracks its target until aiming at their head
- Locks and shoots right after
- Slight window of time where the target can dodge its attack
- Extremely high damage


Haunted Knight Suit:
HP: 1
- Makes an enemy invulnerable to any damage
- Long beam of blue fire connects it to the enemy, for conveniently easy tracing
- Can be destroyed in a single hit
- Bursts on destruction, blasting all nearby entities away in a concussive shockwave

- Immune to any form of damage
- Will parry any projectile attacks and send them flying back at the shooter
- Slowly approches its target while hovering above them
- Will charge up an explosive beam attack, but can easily miss as it locks on too soon
- Can be grabbed by the player via right-clicking to give them a Seraph Eye
- Toss that motherfucker like a holy handgrenade

SPEED: 62.5%
- Will only exist while looking at them
- Fizzle in one hit
- Weak attack, however they will greatly debuff the player with it

Banner Zombie:
HP: 20
SPEED: 46%
- Buffs certain surrounding enemies
- Spawns zombies if there are no enemies upon its arrival
- Will hide behind the furthest enemy in the back to avoid being damaged

Soviet Medic:
HP: 20
SPEED: 50%
- Personally involved with a toxic relationship with atleast one of the closeted grunts
- Will attempt to heal soviet grunts and hussars however will fight back with bitchslaps if targeted
- Will rarely be somewhat pervy in chat
> This can sometimes result in domestic abuse which you can take advantage of during fights as they will literally kill their only fucking healers

Killer Bee:
HP: 10
SPEED: 60% (Varies by spawn case)
- Homing killer bees
- Self-destruct after a few seconds
- Artificially agressive!
- Inflict poison on hit
- Deal increased damage compared to regular bees
- Will not target their spawner

HP: 20
SPEED: 46%
- Bursts with acid on death, splashing nearby entities

Father Grigori:
HP: 20
SPEED: 20%
- Will target other enemies and attack them with the Annabelle
- Usually friendly towards players
- Disappears in a few seconds