Angel Wings:
- Bonus speed & damage resistance when worn
- Allows user to doublejump mid air
- Superjump by doublejumping while holding shift

World Control Wand:
- Instant kill on any entity when used
- Will break immediately after use
- On miss: hit yourself, idiot

- Has a primary melee attack mode:
> High damage
> Parries both projectiles and melee attacks
- And a secondary rainbow projectile mode:
> RED: Fire
> ORANGE: Explosive
> YELLOW: Stun
> GREEN: Lifesteal
> CYAN: Tesla
> BLUE: Water
> PURPLE: Virus
> CRIMSON: Charming
> WHITE: Slash
> BLACK: Void

Ikea Ticket:
- On use: teleports the player to The Ikea
- Player can choose any of the items on display
- On pick: player is teleported back where they came from with their chosen item

Spaghetti & Meatballs:
- Strong consumable that gives user lots of buffs, refills meters and UI bars
- Infinite


Grappling Hook:
- Sends out a fast grapple hook that sticks to walls and enemies
- Reels in upon impact
- Pulls the user towards the hook
- If the hit entity is lighter than the user, it will be pulled to the user instead
- Can be detached and jumped from prematurely by pressing shift
- If the user detaches from the hook 20+ meters above the ground, they will get an extra style bonus and a shorter grapple cooldown

The Hand:
- Primary fire does a long AOE swipe attack
> Does 40 damage total
> Spreads damage out evenly across all hit entities
> Entities that recieve fatal damage will be erased
- Secondary fire does a short swipe attack
> User will be teleported to the middle of the swipe and flung through it slightly
> Shorter cooldown than primary fire

The World:
- Stops time for everything except the user for 10 seconds
- 20 second cooldown period

The Bucket:
- Secondary fire sucks entities into a bucket-themed pocket dimension
- Living entities need to be on low health to enter the bucket
- Primary fire spits them back out

Anomalous Sponge:
- Primary fire starts an infection on a target entity
> Infection spreads on damage and slowly poisons and debuffs the entity
> Infection will dissipate when the entity stops taking damage for a short period of time
> Infected entity will burst with the virus on death, radius depends on entity weight
- Secondary fire will self-inflict on the user
> Will infect the user if they are healthy
> Will cure the user if they are infected

- Huge fucking hammer
- Smashes enemies into the ground
- Causes a large shar shaped shockwave around the smashed target

Epic Hoe:
- Randomly does one of 3 attacks against the target:
> Nature's Poison: Incurably poisons the target for a short while
> Clobbering Clash: Strong high-damage knockback ground attack
> Like the Wind: Sends the target flying with a gust of wind before slamming them back down and stunning them

The Sunset Sea
- Slowly charges a magic meter while in sunlight
- Can be overdriven up to 500% capacity by certain reactions
- Primary fire performs an AOE solar attack with a small explosion that burns enemies
> Uses up 35% solar power, 80% if overdriven
- Secondary fire performs a self-healing and boosting spell
> Uses up 15% solar power, 35% if overdriven
- Both the secondary fire and the primary fire effects are massively boosted while overdriven past 100%

Bling-Bling Sword:
- Actively despises its current nature
- Automatically fights back
- Has no swing cooldown
- On slash: inflicts soul venom on the target
> Deals damage as a precentage of the target's weight, performing worse on light enemies and shredding heavier enemies
- Caps the max damage the wielder can take while being held to 2


Sentient Sword:
- It hungers for decapitation
- Automatically fights back
- Has no swing cooldown
- Halves the player's heart health capacity while worn
> Returning to another item or empty hand unharmed will keep your health
> Taking damage in this state will halve your current heart health to this amount if overflown

Devil's Knife:
- Massive clown scythe
- Throwable:
> Will bounce off surfaces, shooting out random card suit projectiles
> Will return to the player after several bounces or after hanging in the air for too long
> Returning from mid-air will also cause lightning to strike down
- Swingable:
> Circular double-layered AOE slash

Mean Axe:
- Similar to the mane ax
- Will automatically fight back
- Stronger
- Can cast a "Red Buster" magic attack
> Similar to the mane ax's "Rude Buster" but deadlier
> Uses up 200% of the tension meter

Devil Wings:
- Uses up fuel meter
- Can perform a massive rocket boost mid air
- Holding shift before gliding allows the player to fly around with a jetpack ability
- Flying too close to the sun will pin you back down hard via an automatic uncontrollable grappling hook

Tesla Stick:
- Medium power electrical arc
- On impact: target entities recieve a medium power tesla chain shock

Gauss Stick:
- Massive electrical power-beam
- On impact: target entities recieve a high power tesla chain shock

Psi Wand:
- Secondary fire selects function, primary fire casts
> Pulls the target entity towards the user
> Pushes the target entity away from the user
> Disables gravity for the user and adds a little upwards draft to their momentum
> Swaps positions of the target and the user
> High damage beam
> If user is holding a card: casts card's ability at the beam impact site, using up the card
> Creates a massive blackhole
> Sucks in nearby entities
> Sucked entities are transported to none other than the bucket's pocket dimension
> After a few seconds the blackhole explodes and spews out all entities inside
> Selectable only when "The Rock" is present in the inventory, cannot select any other function
> Deals 75 damage to all nearby entities
> Minute long cooldown

Twisted Sword:
- High damage
- Inflicts bleed if the target is a heavy enemy or if the user is low on health
- Can backstab, dealing increased damage and piercing any resistances

Thorn Ring:
- Rapidly increases tension meter while slowly draining user's health
- Stops increasing tension or draining health if user is below 35% heart health
- If at 100% tension, can cast a spell so terrible the user enters a blackout for a few seconds
- Entities in the vague direction of the user seem to freeze in a massive block of ice until it melts

Sopor Pie:
- Heals the player to full health and clubs on consumption
- Player is slow and sluggish while high from its effects
- After a minute or so, player will enter a state of withdrawal, boosting their attack but slowly draining their health and annoying them with clown honks
- Eating it again will reset the high and withdrawal periods
- Infinitely consumable

Skeleton King's Skull:
- Offers projectile damage resistance
- Makes the player immune to collateral damage
- All nearby skeletons will ignore the player and instead fight other entities
- Can throw arrows with bare hands
- All throwables will be thrown harder and further

- Can backstab for a x16 damage multiplier
- On backstab kill: Absorbs enemy max health as spade health
- Does not stack if the enemy has less max health than you currently have spade health
- Full heart health heal on backstab kill

Springlock Costume Headpiece:
- Prevents the user from taking more than half their max heart health in damage once activated
- Springlocks have a chance to fail when being damaged, sacrificing 3 hearts for 3 spades and a full bar of spades
- Lock failure damage is critical (x3)
- Cannot be taken off once locked

Orthodox Cross:
- Deals triple damage to undead enemies
- Gives player an extra mantle on kill with the cross
- dramatic_bell.ogg


Red Glare:
- Fully opaque stylish red glasses
- Blinds the user but reveals all entities nearby in an extra-sensory x-ray fashion

The Captivators:
- Geeky stylish 3d anagylph glasses
- Allows the user to fire 2 types of optic beams while not holding anything
> Red Beam:
>> Weak precision instant laser beam, quick recharge
> Blue Beam:
>> Slow high power laser blast, slow recharge

- Allows the user to convert their heart containers into extra spade health
- Converts at a ratio of 1 heart to 3 spades

Rubber Chicken:
- Really fucking annoying screaming rubber chicken toy
- Hitting enemies with it drops their defense in a fit of rage
- Squeaking the toy makes all nearby enemies target the player regardless of obstructions in the way

- High damage slash melee
- Alt-fire actually turns the thing on and pins enemies in place while they get shredded
- Continuous alt-fire, consumes fuel while using

Moon Shoes:
- Low-gravity long jump boots
- Hold shift to bring high gravity back while jumping
- Disables any and all fall damage

TNT Boots:
- Explodes beneath the player every time they jump
- Maxxes out any explosive damage taken by the player to 1

Snow Ring:
- Slowly builds up tension while held
- Uses up 16% tension to cast a snow attack that chills enemies and slows them down

Mane Ax:
- Builds up tension based on damage dealt or damage taken
- Can use up 50% tension to cast a magical explosive "Rude Buster" projectile attack
- Turns into the darker "Mean Axe" if tension is overcharged to 200%

Warhammer of Zillyhoo!:
- It's... perfect
- Slams enemies far away, stunning them in the process
- Nearby enemies are charmed and will try to attack the target enemy
- Slow swing speed

Very Loud Icecream:
- Actually dead silent
- The deafening silence will knock far away any nearby enemies
- Useful as a panic button

- Throws a bouncy basketball
- Has 2 firing modes
> Toss
>> Low speed & damage throw with 16 bounces
> Throw
>> High speed & damage throw with 4 bounces
- Locks on to enemies when bouncing
- Fucking ballin'

Abandoned Rose:
- Plants do photosynthesis right?
- Alt-fire sacrifices part of your health in exchange for solar energy
- Hitting entities with this item gives them a form of soul venom which deals damage based on a precentage of their weight

Joker Card:
- Does one of 5 random attacks based on the 4 card suits and the jack card
- Jack card attack is much rarer than the hearts, diamonds, spades or clubs attacks

The Powertool:
- Powerful magical wand
- Has several selectable attack types
> Lightning
>> Summons a heavenly choir which is shortly interrupted by a massive bolt of lightning striking the target area
> Withering
>> Fires a fast wither skull projectile which inflicts withering on all entities caught in its ashen explosion
> Psionic
>> Unleashes a blast of unfocused psionic energy which knocks away any entity that comes near it
> Fireball
>> Fires a rapid burst of 3 explosive fireballs
> Ascension
>> Raises the user high up on a small forcefield platform which shatters in a few seconds
>> If the platform shatters while the user is on it, it will apply a landing cushioning effect

Vampiric Scythe:
- Massive steel scythe
- Huge AOE sweep attack
- Entities hit by the attack will have their lifeforce stolen by the player
- Very slow swing speed

Eldritch Sickle:
- Can parry projectiles, returning them to their sender violently and explosively
- Very fast swing speed

Light Blade:
- Holy blade made from the Father's light
- Slowly accelerates the player as they run without stopping
- Deals damage based on running speed

- Slowly charges up an insanely high voltage
- Deals damage based on current charge, depletes all charge on hit
- If charge is at maximum capacity of 100,000V, sends out an electric shock through the target entity that causes an arcing chain reaction

- Pourable gasoline tank
- Can be spilled onto floors or used to coat enemies
- Alt-fire throws a match which lights enemies or gasoline coated floors on fire
- Gasoline coated enemies will instantly ignite if damaged by anything

The Penetrator:
- Magenta jelly dildo bat
- Deals no damage, but knocks back all enemies close to the target entity it hits

- Amplifies the player's current velocity upon use
- Alt-fire reverses current velocity

The Caledscratch:
- Weird fucked up sword
- Has a chance to break on hit
- Can be rewound back to its unbroken state
- Alt-fire does one of two things depending on state:
> Whole:
>> Will lock a target's hitbox and model in place, however their actual position and AI will continue moving
>> Comparable to separating a target's "soul" from their "body" so to speak
> Broken:
>> Similar function to the Elixir of Warping, but with a longer time interval

Bro's Katana:
- Can parry melee attacks, clashes if two melee parrying wielders hit eachother
- Can blink forwards with alt-fire
- Very fast swing speed

Holy Mackarel:
- Chance to drop ambrosium on hit
- Low cahnce to roll a random critical hit
- Wets entities on hit

The Bling Ring:
- Caps any damage the wielder takes at 2 if in the wearer's inventory

Cage of Wrath:
- Can summon several of one of 3 monster types to help you fight
> Skeletons
> Zombies
> Spiders

The Bible:
- Prays and marks a spot with alt-fire
- Primary fire will perform a lightning attack at the marked spot

Anarchist's Cookbook:
- Throws 8 sticks of dynamite equally spaced horizontally around the player
- Long cooldown

Lord of the Rings:
- Equips the player's missing hand or armor slots with heavy armor and a sword
- Taking any fall damage will break the floor beneath you temporarily
- Immune to knockback in this state
- Will wear off after taking enough damage to break the armor

The Necronomicon:
- Heavy damage to most living entities around the player
- Charms undead entities around the player

- Temporarily applies one of the star sign effects, either best fit for the situation or if no other is found, a random one
- Player is conditionally immortal for a short period, dying to light enemies or accidental mishaps is prohibited

How I Made $290,000 Selling Books:
- Gambles the player's money, having a chance to double it or a chance to lose most of it

How to Kill Someone with Your Bare Hands:
- Forces the player into a berzerk mode where their empty hand slot has massively boosted damage and agility

- Eats small pieces out of hit enemies, healing the user

- Massive damage on backstabs

- Scares nearby entities around your hit target away

The Lantern:
- Slows down all nearby entities

The Rock:
- ???

Dead Ringer:
- If charged: fakes the user's real death and turns them temporarily invisible while giving them extra damage resistance

The Dealmaker:
- Damaging enemies will drop money
- Consumes user's money to shield them from damage

The #1 Crowbar:
- Has no swing cooldown
- Applies no damage cooldown
- Deals triple damage to arthropod type mobs, along with a 2 second long stun effect
- Loud

The #7 Crowbar:
- Shatters any item held by the target entity, disarming them

Parcel Gardener:
- Cooldown attack:
> Stun and disorient any entity with a shovel blow to the head
- Deals more damage and knockback based on player's current falling velocity
> Removes all would-be fall damage on succesful
> "Screaming Eagles" bonus on hits from heights 25+ meters above the ground, along with an actual screaming eagle sfx for dramatic effect

- Stuns enemies on hit with heavy blows
- Can be thrown

Zirconium Pants:
- Has a chance to charm enemies around the wearer, consequential enough to slip them into a trance

Chestplate of Repulsion:
- Repels any entity that damages the wearer

Philosopher's Stone:
- Fires magical orbs that do... something? to the entities they hit
- Random effect on hit

Acid Bucket:
- Splashes acid in front of the user
- Splashed entities are coated in acid
- Coated entities will take damage over time, scaling based on how much they've already lost
- Wounds and burning acids don't mix well

Oil Bucket:
- Splashes oil in front of the user
- Oil floats on water
- Alt-fire to cover yourself in oil
- Wait for it to rain

- Shiny radioactive metal
- Slightly increases player's attack while in inventory
- Can be used to make certain items

Rewind Shard:
- Records player movement while in inventory, up to a cache of 5 seconds
- Can be activated to slowly rewind the player in time

Replay Shard:
- Records player movement while in inventory, up to a cache of 5 seconds
- Can be activated to repeat previous player movement from their current position

Fire Sword:
- Massive diagonal AOE slash attack that sets enemies on fire
- Very slow swing speed

Ice Sword:
- Diagonal AOE slash attack that chills enemies
- Medium swing speed

Knight Armor:
- Entire armor set (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots)
- Offers heavy direct damage resistance, shielding from armor piercing effects and damage sources
- Heavy knockback resistance
- Boots create a shockwave based on falldamage when the player lands
- Each piece lowers movement speed due to weight, effect stacks

Knight Sword:
- Can block enemy attacks while swinging at them
- Will stop the user from being overwhelmed with rapid damage sources when held

Knight Axe:
- Breaks through enemy armor and defense
- Alt-fire to lunge

Knight Pan:
- Critical hits stun enemies
- High knockback

- Terrible damage at full health
- Huge damage at low health
- Scales continuously between the 2 extremes

- Use to get half a stack of arrows
- Long cooldown between uses

- Similar to the quiver, but gives the user darts instead
- Shorter cooldown

Destruction Catalyst:
- Creates a long linear explosion in front of the user
- Long cooldown


- If the player is about to die: panic-freeze time

- Shoulder-bash-like charge attack, high control mid-air, resulting damage and knockback on impact depends on duration charged

- Levitation on-demand via holding shift mid-air

- Immunity to poison and most debuffs

- Increased agility and strength

- Vampiric lifesteal on damage dealt

- Will slowly build up the player's money similar to an interest rate

- Insane luck bonus
- All arachnids and arthropods around the bearer are charmed

- Cooldown effect, when damaged: massive burst of arrows fired all around you in every direction

- Very slow and sluggish
- When taking damage, has a chance to make the player snap into a fit of clownly rage, attack boosted
- Rampage only ends upon killing 10 entities

- User cannot get wet
- User can breathe underwater

- User has massive buffs and boosts while wet
- User can breathe underwater
- Nearby wet entities will fight dry entities

- Damage dealt will poison entities
- Nearby wet entities may have monstrous fangs try to grasp at them from down below

- Bearer can see in the dark
- Special move: gravtiate all nearby entities towards the player

- Saved from one shot at certain death
- Star sign is removed upon cancelled death

- Player cannot die with this item equipped
- At all
- There's no downside


- Weak simple gun, perfect accuracy though

Assault Rifle:
- Medium firerate rifle

- Simple shotgun, low fire rate and high spread, fires out a lot of pellets

Super Shotgun:
- Double barreled shotgun, even lower fire rate, even higher spread and even more pellets
- Knocks player back due to recoil

Kitchen Gun:
- Hitscan beam of pressurized water
- Wets hit enemies and knocks them around
- Uncontrollable power-fueled manic laughter!

- Insanely fast fire rate
- Heavy, hard to move while firing
- High recoil can be used as a makeshift jetpack if pointed downwards

- Dragon's breath dual barrel shotgun similar to the super shotgun, lights enemies on fire with flaming pellets

- Extreme overloaded shotgun, shoots a ridiculous amount of pellets and knocks the player back very hard
- Insanely long cooldown

Grenade Launcher:
- Shoots heavy grenades in an arc trajectory, explodes on impact, less direct damage but more AOE damage
- Long cooldown

Rocket Launcher:
- Shoots rockets in a straight trajectory, explodes on imapct, less AOE damage but more direct damage
- Long cooldown

S.R.S. Cannon:
- Shoots rockets in a straight trajectory
- Alt-fire charges up a giant cannonball that knocks enemies back and retains its momentum
> Cannonball speed and damage depends on charge
> If fully charged: cannonball will explode on impact with the ground
- Medium cooldown

- Shoots rockets in a straight trajectory
- Alt-fire freezes rockets in place for up to 5 seconds
- Medium cooldown
- Won't you fly, fly high, free bird?

- Slightly stronger pistol
- Can charge up a piercing shot via alt-fire

- Slightly stronger pistol
- Can hold up to 4 coins
- Alt-fire will throw a coin
- Bullets can ricochet off of coins and into an enemy weakpoint
- Coin ricochet shots are faster and deal more damage
- Coin shots can be chained
- Coins can be parried for "coin-punches"
> Punched coins will instantly be redirected to the closest enemy's head
> Punched coins will build up damage each time they hit a target

- Slightly stronger pistol
- Can be spun around for a bouncing shot with alt-fire
- Shot increases damage each bounce but decreases in speed
- Charge determines how many bounces the shot can perform
- Has a maximum of 3 stored up bouncing shots that slowly recharge
- Akimbo style allowed
- Roflcopter

The Emperor:
- Fires homing shots that blast enemies away

Sniper Rifle:
- Fires very fast pin-point accuracy shots
- Deals increased damage on headshot
- Long cooldown

- Precision assault rifle with bouncing bullets
- Medium damage
- Low-medium fire rate

Weezer Terminator:
- They've met their match
- Fires 4 bullets equally spaced apart horizontally
- Low fire rate

- Fires a large plume of fire
- Alt-fire will perform an air-blast that pushes entities and reflects projectiles

Electric Railcannon:
- Fires a devastating piercing beam of electricity
- Hit enemies will send out arcs of chain lightning
- Can be redirected and powered up by the marksman's coins

Screwdriver Railcannon:
- Fires a drill projectile
- Drill will stick into enemies and spew blood everywhere
- Spilled blood heals user if close

Malicious Railcannon:
- Fires a large beam that causes a fiery explosion on impact

- Informally known as the "Tau Cannon"
- Consumes U235 to operate
- Shoots energy efficient laser beams at 2 units of U235 each
- Can charge up a larger shot which consumes more
> Charged shot damage and recoil scales with charge
> Overcharging will lead to an explosion

Tesla Rifle:
- Shoots out electrical bolts in a spread burst
- On hit: electricity arcs from the target to nearby entities in a chain reaction

Redstone Rifle:
- Shoots out red energy bolts
- Bolts have no gravity and penetrate through entities
- Bolts will mess with map wiring

Napalm Cannon:
- Shoots out a flaming ball of napalm
- Spills napalm over the floor below its trajectory
- Causes a large wall of flames to form below it

Parasonic C3 DNA Scrambler:
- Shoots weak DNA altering pellets
- Targets killed by this weapon burst, turning inside out and releasing an infection based on their weight
- Best used as a finisher

Dubstep Gun:
- Fires a sonic blast that knocks back targets in a massive cone AOE
- Volume (and power) of the blast can be changed
> Yes, it goes up to 11

Bee Gun:
- Fires genetically modified killer homing bees

Microwave Gun:
- Violates all safety regulations by blasting a large nearly invisible microwave beam
- Entities caught in the microwave beam will be set on fire

Pipis Popper:
- Fires... pipis
- Alt-fire charges up a big shot
> Big shot is a huge projectile that causes a large explosion on impact
> While moving, any entity caught in its path will be blasted away
> Slowly accelerates while moving
> Projectile has no gravity

- Consumes fuel
- Fires a liquid stream of flames
- Alt-fire spills gas droplets
> Gas droplets will coat enemies and leave puddles on the floor

- Starts off firing very slowly and with poor accuracy
- Gradually tightens spread and increase fire rate as the gun warms up
- Can overheat to the point of litterally firing guns blazing
> Overheating too far will make the wielder catch on fire

Series RCK7-J Explosive Testing Device:
- Rocket launcher that deals zero damage, instead only causing large knockback shockwaves
- Slower rockets
- Low fire rate

Series RCK7-G Implosive Testing Device:
- Rocket launcher that deals zero damage, instead only causing reverse implosive knockback shockwaves
- Slower rockets
- Low fire rate

- Fires arrows in bursts of three, high range, damage and precision
- Requires and consumes arrows to fire
- Arrows have a 25% chance to be critical

Super Nailgun:
- Fires arrows in full auto
- High range, damage and precision
- Requires and consumes arrows to fire
- All arrows are critical

Beta Bow:
- Fires arrows semi-automatically with no delay
- Less powerful than a regular bow per show
- Requires and consumes arrows to fire

Ethereal Crossbow:
- Ghostly magical projectile that can travel through walls and entities
- Has recoil
- Medium-low fire rate

Ethereal Crossbow:
- Ghostly magical projectile that can travel through walls and entities
- Has recoil
- Medium-low fire rate

Bright Weaponry:
- Hurts player slightly upon firing a burst
- Fires wildly at enemies in sight
- Has a chance to stun on-shot
- Amount of shots varies per burst
- Slight auto-aim
- Medium-high fire rate

Displacement Cannon:
- Fires a large ominous green portal
- Teleports enemies (or user) from one portal to the other
- Low fire rate
- Will self-destruct if used underwater
- Heavy damage if fired directly at an enemy

- Hitscan slug shotgun
- Deals increased damage to undead enemies
- Grants the player one mantle per kill
- Medium fire rate

Massive Igneous Loss Firearm:
- Legalized nuclear bombs

- Hitscan reality manipulator
- Has 4 modes the user can switch between:
> tool_weld(){
>> Fire at any entity to start the welding process;
>> Fire at any block to weld the entity to world geometry;
> }
> tool_ignite(){
>> Fire at any entity to declare it as ignited temporarily;
> }
> tool_leafblower(){
>> Creates a constant gust of flowing wind from the user's weapon;
> }
> tool_spawn(){
>> Spawns an entity at the desired location;
>> Entity variety may be severely limited;
>> It's just Father Grigori;
> }

- Calls in an airstrike that lasts around 20 seconds
- Minute-long cooldown

- Fires a huge fuck-you ball of energy
- Massive explosion on impact, fires 40 invisible equally spaced tracers from the user on impact which deal the actual bulk of damage

- Burst-fire rifle
- Can be dual-wielded for full auto with no movement impedance

- Short range sawedoff lever action shotgun
- Cool spinny terminator-style reload
- Can be dual-wielded for double the firerate

Dinner Blaster:
- I wonder what's for dinner!
- Shoots burgers at enemies
- Successful shots drop burgers and slightly replenish the user's hunger
- Heavy projectile causes enemies to get knocked back with each shot

Glass Cannon:
- Literally!
- Shatters if the user is hurt while the weapon is equipped
- Similar to the shotgun, but with much higher damage and more OSHA violations

- Seems to be purple and black, perhaps it wasn't built right?
- Has 3 firing modes, 2 primary firing modes and a devastating alt-fire
> Can switch between primary firing modes by holding shift while trying to fire
>> Dark Energy: Fires beams of repelling dark energy
>> Dark Matter: Fires orbs of attracting dark matter
>> Red Matter (Alt-Fire): Fires an orb of red matter which causes a meltdown in the fabric of reality, pulls everything into it except for the player, burns anything touching the warping flaming dark red ball
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- Extra life!

- Extra lives!

- Invincible ecstasy rush

- Litterally crack cocaine
- Massive speed boost, jump boost and extra air control

Pocket Sand:
- Blinds your victims for a brief moment

Pocket ????:
- ?????? your victims for a brief moment

Vial of Hellfire:
- Mysterious vial of liquid that seems to burn, can be splashed onto enemies

Holy Card:
- Protects the user with a holy vow
- Can be stacked to give the user several shields

- It's a fucking brick
- You throw it at enemies and it hurts them

Heart Cookie:
- Heart shaped cookie
- Tastes strongly like fruit punch
- Massive heart healing upon consumption

Diamond Cookie:
- Diamond shaped cookie
- Tastes a bit like strawberry milk
- Raises defense upon consumption

Spade Cookie:
- Spade shaped cookie
- Tastes strongly like liquorice
- Extra spade health upon consumption

Clubs Cookie:
- Clubs shaped cookie
- Tastes a bit like dark chocolate
- Triples all edibles in inventory on consumption (that aren't other clubs cookies)

- Throwable boomstick

Holy Dynamite:
- No-grav throwable boomstick
- Choir sings on hit
- Smites all nearby entities

Nuclear Dynamite:
- Sticky throwable boomstick
- Glues itself to enemies or surfaces and starts slowly counting down
- When the timer reaches 0 it unleashes a massive mushroom cloud explosion
- Has radioactive fallout post-explosion

Arming Dynamite:
- Fast & heavy throwable boomstick
- Arms all hit entities in armor and double swords
- Makes them all start infighting

Glass Dynamite:
- Fragile throwable boomstick
- Temporarily encases all hit enemies in a block of glass

Jumper's Dynamite:
- Soft plushie throwable boomstick
- Does no damage
- Massive knockback to both the wielder and enemies

Midas Dynamite:
- Shiny throwable boomstick
- Litterally just fucking pickpockets enemies wow that's low I'm not even gonna lie

Reaction Dynamite:
- Weird fun throwable boomstick
- Splits apart into multiple "chemical dynamite" sticks
> Chemical dynamite explodes into a noxious poison gas cloud
- Has a chance to split back into itself for a chain reaction each time it explodes

Hearts Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Shoots out heart projectiles that heal the user upon hitting an enemy

Diamonds Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Shoots out heavy diamond projectiles that lower the enemy's base defense

Hearts Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Shoots out a thin rapidfire burst of spade projectiles aiming towards the closest entity that deal damage

Clubs Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Shoots out a slow spread burst of triplet clubs projectiles aiming towards the closest entity that deal damage

Jack Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Shoots out ...horseys??? in a cross shape around the player
- Horsey projectiles strike lightning on impact

King Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Spawns falling lovexcaliburs above nearby enemies that deal more damage the less health they have

Queen Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Spawns falling world control wands above nearby enemies that deal more damage the more health they have

Void Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Teleports the player to the void
- Automatically warps them back after a few seconds, with an offset based off the movements they took in the void

Blank Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Teleports the player to the void
- Player can return at any time by using the card again

Reversed Card:
- Magic playing card!
- Shuffles all main suit cards in the player's inventory, per stack

Torn Card:
- Doubles damage output of next attack
- Small chance to die on next hit

Scribbled Card:

- Shiny gem
- Can be eaten, restores health
- If at heart health limit: will instead add extra spade health

- Throwable loud explosive that blinds nearby entities for a few seconds

24k Potato:
- Gilded gonad that sticks to surfaces
- Safely bouncess off of other 24k potatoes or entities
- Arms itself after a brief moment and starts ticking
- Proximity mine, explodes the moment something comes close to it

- Bomb that sticks to walls and entities

- Jar of piss, splashes and coats enemies nearby on impact
- Coated enemies recieve 35% more damage, pierces through any resistances

Mad Milk:
- Jar of cum, splashes and coats enemies nearby on impact
- Damaging coated entities will heal the player by 35% of the damage dealt
- What, you thought I was gonna censor that?

- Jar of nitroglycerin, splashes and coats enemies nearby on impact, however has a chance to just explode
- Damaging coated entities will blow them up

Durian Nailbomb:
- A durian that explodes and fragments into tons of little durian nails
- Enemies hit by nails will absorb them and have a damage multiplier applied to them, scales based on amount of nails
- Nailed enemies will burst on death, making all their absorbed nails fly everywhere

Poison Apples:
- Throwable poisoned apples
- They release a noxious cloud of poison on impact

Incendiary Pineapple:
- Throwable flaming pineapple
- Makes a large flaming puddle on the floor on impact

Concussive Banana:
- I'm honestly not sure how you'd even fit explosives inside this thing
- Disorients and stuns enemies on hit, massive knockback but little to no damage

Cluster Grapes:
- Throwable large grapes
- Explodes on impact and splits into 9 medium grapes
> Explode on impact and split into 9 small grapes each
>> Weak explosion on impact

Beta Chop:
- Instant eating
- Cannot be stacked
- Directly heals the player instead of restoring clubs, weaker effect

Beta Steak:
- Instant eating
- Cannot be stacked
- Directly heals the player instead of restoring clubs, stronger effect

- Throwable... blue... thing?
- Steals money from target on impact

Elixir of Vitality:
- Increases maximum heart health

Elixir of Corruption:
- Adds extra spade health

Elixir of Detonation:
- Primes the player to explode in 3-4 seconds
- Player is unharmed by the explosion but surrounding entities are affected

Elixir of Dispelling:
- Removes all effects from the player

Elixir of Warping:
- Marks a waypoint upon consumption
- After 4 seconds, player is teleported to this waypoint
- After another 4 seconds, player is warped back

Elixir of Invulnerability:
- Self-explanatory

Elixir of Weightlessness:
- Disables gravity for the player temporarily

Elixir of Overdrive:
- Massive speed boost
- Disables all damage cooldowns from the player, allowing them to rush attacks
- Overcharges certain item energy meters

Elixir of Charisma:
- Makes nearby enemies fight for the player

Elixir of Famishing:
- Drains the player's hunger bar rapidly

Elixir of Deluge:
- Makes every nearby enemy wet, drowns already wet enemies

Elixir of Inebriation:
- Stunts the player's motor function, causing them to sway around uncontrollably while walking
- Sickening nausea effect
- Ends with an automatic acid vomit attack which alleviates the player's insobriety

Elixir of Brutality:
- Massively increased melee damage
- High explosive damage resistance
- Gib enemies on kill
- Gain a short statboost on kill

Elixir of Nirvana:
- Immunity to all knockback
- Entities pushed away when hurt

Elixir of Heritage:
- Dying while the effect is active causes you to retain all your items on your next run

Elixir of Corsucation:
- Builds up a static charge on the player via movement which discharges to nearby or hit entities

Elixir of Cryomania:
- Frost breath
- Chills dry enemies, freezes wet enemies
- Minty fresh!

Elixir of Blazing:
- Lights the player straight up on fucking fire!
- Make like a star and burn everyone, your hellfire is contagious via touch
- Slight fire damage resistance
- Blazing will only be quenched once manually extinguished, don't hope for a miracle here, use with caution

Elixir of Freedom:
- Player takes massively increased knockback
- Highly increased air mobility
- High explosion resistance

Elixir of Xerox:
- Creates an allied clone of the player which lasts for a short period

Elixir of Phantasmagoria:
- Causes the player and nearby mobs to hallucinate
- Also causes the player's sanity to plummet

Elixir of Pandora:
- Rolls a random elixir effect and two potion effects

Seraph Eye:
- Throwable explosive eyeball
- Penetrates entities, explodes on each hit entity

- Placeable toaster
- Shoots out burning hot toast when triggered
- Sends out arcs of chain lightning when submerged in water

- Yummy

- Organic improvised explosive
- Targets up to 8 enemies in the blast radius
- Heavy shrapnel will hit enemies one at a time

Aima Cyst:
- Haha "aim assist"
- Makes all enemies nearby vulnerable to critical hits
- Critical hits are a triple damage modifier, along with piercing most resistances
- Vulnerability wears off after 3 hits

Fragmentation Grenade:
- Throwable explosive
- Explodes based on an internal timer
- Bounces off walls
- Will explode on entity impact

Incendiary Grenade:
- Throwable explosive
- Explodes based on an internal timer
- Bounces off walls
- Will explode on entity impact
- Weaker explosion proper
- Goes out in a blaze of glory

Smoke Grenade:
- Throwable stealth device
- Slowly fills the area with smoke
- Enemies have trouble seeing in smoked areas
- Lasts 25 seconds

- Snarks!
- Evil little shit that attacks and jumps at enemies
- Small explosion on death
- Dies automatically after a few seconds

- Throws a multi-colored bouncyball
- Splits into several colored bouncyballs upon impact
> Gray balls bounce several times more than other ones, but are rarer
> Upon hitting an enemy:
>> Damages + knocks enemy back
> Upon hitting a player:
>> The ball is eaten wait whhat what what the fuck do you mean its eaten no n-
>> Restores hearts and clubs, consumes ball

- Can be thrown by hand

ZLD's Jar of Peas:
- Releases a shower of peas on impact
- Peas coat floors and enemies in gasoline


Celestial Claw:
- Fires miniature planets that explode on hit
- Consumes 20 kill-mana

Blood Bucket:
- Heals player by tapping into literal blood in a bucket
- Consumes 5 kill-mana per heart


Glass Sword:
- High damage
- Has a chance to shatter in the user's hand on attack or hit

- Deals extra damage to burning targets
- Extinguishes target on hit
- Gives user a brief speedboost on extinguish

Holy Sword:
- Chance to drop ambrosium on hit

Fembuoy(sic) Armor:
- Entire armor set (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots)
- Offers increased magic damage resistance

Sharpened Volcano Fragment:
- Lights targets on fire

Sun on a Stick:
- Critical hits against burning targets


- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track

- Can be inserted into a jukebox to play the linked track


Normal items encompass the entirety of the vanilla selection of items so they won't be listed here