This is a comprehensive guide on creating your own custom maps in Serverboss: Cross-Reference:

1. Read up on the current enemies/items for a good understanding of gameplay options and balance

2. Use '/cuboidtool' to grant yourself a developer tool for selecting cuboid AreaObjects, along with giving yourself the wrench via '/ex give wrench', for configuring certain blocks
Select one corner of the cuboid with left click first, then the opposite corner with right click. If done right, a short particle effect highlighting the faces and edges of the cuboid should appear

3. Use '/cuboidnote' to mark your cuboid as a specific functional brush, functionality depends on the prefix appended to the noted name:
- room_ /// A basic arena trigger. Locks doors around it upon player entry, spawns enemies randomly within its bounds on valid areas
Valid areas exclude: lava, structure_voids, inside walls and mid-air
To add enemies to 'room_' brushes, stand inside the room and use the '/boiroommobs' command to add either vanilla or scripted enemies
Enemy addition also supports denizen mechanisms such as 'zombie[age=baby;health=200;max_health=200]', 'slime[size=5]' and other such changes
/boiroommobs add - adds enemies to encounter
/boiroommobs remove - removes enemy from encounter
/boiroommobs show - shows an ordered list of all enemies in the encounter
/boiroommobs wipe - removes all enemies from encounter, clean slate
/boiroommobs backtrace - forces the room not to happen unless you have already encountered another trigger beforehand, useful for ambushes while backtracing in maps
/boiroommobs normalize - removes the backtrace status from the room
Enemies WILL spawn in the order you add them in, this is important for certain order-dependent entities such as the haunted knight suit
Enemies such as evoker spawned vexes or shadowmen do not count towards the total mob count and can linger even after the arena is marked as "cleared"
- secret_ /// Displays a "secret revealed" message & sfx then marks the secret as found upon player collision
- deny_ /// Invisible bouncy wall that stops the player in spaces where barrier blocks cannot be placed
- kill_ /// Instant invisible player killzone
- vkill_ /// Similar to kill_, but for mobs. Usually for arenas that have holes leading to the void, where mob despawning could break arenas
- drop_ /// Prevents player falldamage inside the brush. Useful for setpieces that require a large fall without outright killing the player
- trigger_once_ /// Triggers the brush one single time, applies itself into the player's "visited triggers" list, similar to rooms and secrets. Can be used in conjunction with gearboxes or backtraces
- trigger_multiple_ /// Triggers and activates relay gearboxes when players are inside, deactivating when they leave. Indefinite amount of uses

4. Use any of the custom blocks or chest variants for added mobility, items, difficulty, etc:
- BSTRDization Tile /// Triggers hardmode on any enemy that steps on it, granting increased speed, damage, regeneration, damage resistance and sun immunity
- Spike Block /// A 4-variant spike block that damages and cripples players on top of it when active, has 4 modes, selectable using the wrench:
> fake // Permanently off, completely harmless
> trigger // Off by default, rapidly activates when stepped on, still avoidable
> timed // Alternates between on and off based on a set interval
> permanent // Always on
- Fan /// A powerful vertical fan that creates a draft of wind strong enough to lift the player and boost their speed for a few blocks above it
- Jump Pad /// An instant jump pad that launches the player high up and slightly forwards
- Speed Pad /// An instant speed pad that launches the player in the direction of the block and applies a short speed boost
- POW Block /// Immediately detonates and releases an arena-wide shockwave on player interaction
- TNT Crate /// Quickly explodes after being stepped on
- Barbed Wire /// Stings and snares players attempting to walk through it
- Hot Coals /// Immediately ignites any player on top of it
- Agony /// Deals 1/7th of max health of any entity, player or enemy, that steps on it
- Lock Keyhole /// Accepts iron or skeleton keys as input, starting a chain reaction that destroys other nearby keyholes and locked grates, also transmits through iron blocks without affecting them
To reset locked blocks, use the stone key via '/ex give stonekey'
- Locked Grate /// Similar to the keyhole, but without the ability to accept keys in it directly
- Red Forcefield /// Automatically appears and disappears to lock and unlock arenas during and out of combat
- Blue Forcefield /// Almost identical to the red forcefield, with the added change of turning into water instead of air, for underwater levels
- Gearbox /// Has special functionalities related to triggers and other server flags, similar to commandblocks, configurable with the wrench
> decoration // Purely aesthetic block
> trigger_relay // Emits a redstone signal when a nearby trigger brush activates
> signal_emit // Emits a gearbox signal pulse to nearby recievers
> signal_recieve // Emits a redstone signal when a nearby wireless gearbox signal is detected
- Salt /// Gorey instakill with gibs on both players and enemies
Do note, vanilla commandblocks are changed to avoid certain... incidents, but also to save on performance, use the wrench to configure them
To create a specialized chest, simply place a specific block directly below it to change its behavior:
- Fixed /// Obsidian / Will drop the contents of the chest individually to players who open it, best fit for gifts and other loot
If a key is inside, it will only be able to be opened by one player, to avoid key duplication exploits
- Money /// Glowstone / Will drop money from it, main source of money for shops and other items
- Shop /// Ore Blocks / Allows the player to purchase an indefinite amount of items from the chest gui without taking them directly. Consumes money, cost depends on the specific ore block below
Coal - ¤15
Iron - ¤55
Gold - ¤225
Diamond - ¤875
Emerald - ¤3375
- Sacrifice /// Nether Wart Block / Will take the player's max health capacity permanently in exchange for powerful items, majority of which being strange or haunted quality, with some being collectors or rarely unusual

5. Try other functionalities such as /hb and /link with end gateways to connect them to different parts of your map as instant teleporters, or /hf and /sf to embed invisible indestructible itemframes instantly

6. Playtest! Serverboss: Cross-Reference can update in-game and maps can be editable in creative mode while players are still playing it in adventure mode
Use '/boiclearprogress' to delete your progress in the map, letting you trigger secrets, chests and arenas again
Test it by yourself, with friends or force someone at gunpoint to play your level

7. Don't you fucking dare use survival mode or I will gut you myself